Experience the
wild of Lesotho at
Semonkong Lodge


Did you know we operate the longest commercially operated single-drop abseil in the world?

If you are visiting Semonkong Lodge, you NEED to add this Guinness World Record abseil to your bucket list.

We dare you to step off the 204m high ledge of the Maletsunyane Falls and experience the ultimate adventure. With your adrenaline levels soaring, you will witness the absolute natural beauty of this gorge in all its splendour, whilst descending through the spray from the waterfall alongside you. We promise – this will be a moment you will never forget!

Word of warning – this is not for the faint-hearted, but it offers a once in a lifetime experience and entitles you to some serious bragging rights with your friends.

Never abseiled before? Don’t worry, a practice session the day before on our 25m cliff close to the Lodge will prepare you for the big day and is included in the cost of the abseil. A 4×4 trip and short hike the next day will take you to the abseil and then it’s three, two, one… GO time!

Please note:

  • 15 people is the maximum number of people per training for the Maletsunyane Falls abseil. Book before your trip to avoid disappointment.
  • Please note should Semonkong Lodge cancel the 204m abseil, for whatever reason; you will be charged for the 25m abseil training at LSL400.00 per person. Should you cancel on the day of the 204m abseil, you will be required to pay the full amount of LSL2 000.00 per person, or LSL2 200.00 should there only be one person abseiling on the day.
  • What to bring: Please ensure you have a good pair of hiking boots, quick-drying pants or a change of clothes (you may get wet and it is not fun hiking out of the gorge with wet jeans), a good wet weather jacket if you have and sunblock.

Feeling up to it? We dare you!